

An award-winning series looks at a county's health

Tara Kaprowy, the chief writer for Kentucky Health News, won one of the first awards given by the Kentucky Rural Health Association for newspaper writing. Kaprowy won the prize for best series in a non-daily newspaper for her five-part series in The Sentinel-Echo of London titled “How Healthy Are We?” The August 2010 series examined how Laurel County compared to state and national averages for tobacco use, obesity, access to health care, and so on. Entries were judged by the communications office of the National Rural Health Association. Here are links to each part of the series:
Signs of ill health and second page
Waging war against obesity and second page
Efforts to encourage exercise and make healthy food more available, and second page
Impact of tobacco and ban on smoking in public buildings, and second page
How nurse practitioners and physician assistants increase access, and second page