The product, which is sold legally in stores and online under names like Cloud Nine, Red Dove, Blue Silk, Zoom and Ivory Wave, contains the ingredient methylenedioxypyrovalerone, commonly known as MDPV. The drug, which is also in products labeled as plant food, has been compared to cocaine and methamphetamine because of its addictive nature, the Lexington Herald-Leader's Beth Musgrave reports.

State Sen. Walter Blevins, D-Morehead, left, sponsored Senate Bill 129, and state Rep. John Tilley, D-Hopkinsville, right, sponsored House Bill 121, both of which ban methylenedioxypyrovalerone. Their bills simply refer to the drug with the street name "dove," and, in an emergency capacity, ban possession, trafficking or manufacture of MDPV and two related chemicals. The emergency ban is expected to pass.

Musgrave reported in December more than 100 cases of MDPV overdose were reported to poison centers in the last quarter of 2010, more than 75 percent of which were in Louisiana and Kentucky. The Louisiana Poison Center has been studying the abuse of the drug, which is most commonly snorted, but can be injected, smoked and eaten. Nationwide, the center has received 360 calls about the drug this year, Director Mark Ryan said. Earlier this month, White House drug czar Gil Kerilikowske issued a warning against abusing the product. Emergency bans have been issued in Louisiana, North Dakota and Florida, and legislative bans are also pending in Hawaii and Mississippi. (Read more)
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